SPRYLAB ranked 4th in the Kress Digital Ranking
We are proud to announce that SPRYLAB by Kress Pro is one of the top 5 full-service providers in the current ranking of the best digital agencies and tools 2021 in German-speaking countries and is listed in 4th place.
We are proud to announce that sprylab technologies with Purple by Kress Pro is among the top 5 full-service providers in the current ranking of the best digital agencies and tools in the German-speaking world in 2021 and is listed in 4th place.
Every year, Oberauer Verlag and Kress Pro conduct a survey of the most important digital service providers and software developers for the media industry, which is now one of the most important rankings in the industry.
For 2021, Kress Pro has analyzed the 100 offers with the highest reach in Germany and 25 in Austria and Switzerland. Among other things, not only business relationships were taken into account, but also offers such as apps, e-papers, podcasts, tools that generate at least 100 million visits per month and whether paywalls or subscription management are used, for example.
Stephan Heck, co-founder and Managing Director of Purple / SPRYLAB:
"I am very pleased that we are ranked 4th. It shows once again that our customers are not only convinced by our products, but also appreciate our service. We see ourselves as a partner who is always approachable. Our maxim is to create customer-oriented, solution-oriented offers. The ranking shows that we succeed in this. This is not only a success, but also recognition of the team, which always has an open ear."
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Do you want to bring your company into the digital age and merge your digital and print offerings? Contact us or write to us. We're always ready to listen and will find the perfect solution for you.