How to gain subscribers with Audience Development

Paid content from the perspective of your users

For media companies, it's no longer enough to publish good content on the web. The supreme discipline is rather to provide the right content and offers at the right time for the right user.

So you should be thinking about how to attract new users, how to effectively use your user data, and how to personalize key touchpoints to turn your users into loyal subscribers - at minimal cost.

Watch the 45-minute Audience Development webinar by Stephan Heck, CEO of SPRYLAB, on demand now.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to turn users into returning readers
  • How to turn readers into loyal subscribers
  • The most effective way to handle your user data
  • Personalized offers that help you attract new subscribers
Stephan Heck
Digital publishing and audience development expert and international speaker and entrepreneur.

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