"Rheintaler" and "W&O" from Galledia Regionalmedien increase reader satisfaction and subscription sales with Purple e-paper apps

Convenient reading in the e-paper app
With the Purple e-paper app, the Rheintaler, Werdenberger and Obertoggenburger newspapers offer their readers an improved user experience. In the app's overview, readers can find both the current issue of the e-paper as well as previously published issues in the integrated digital archive. Readers can use the archive's search function to display various topics or search terms with page references in previously published issues.
The e-paper app's bookmark function also helps to improve the user experience. Readers can easily create a bookmark list and quickly access the selected content at a later date.

An indispensable function of the Purple app is the reading mode. This makes using the e-paper much more intuitive and convenient than before. After opening the desired issue, readers can access the individual pages via the table of contents and switch between the PDF magazine and reading mode by tapping on the desired article. This function offers an optimized article view, adapted to the reader's digital device. Articles can be read in either portrait or landscape format, thanks to the app's responsive design.
Just like in a printed newspaper, readers scroll from left to right instead of scrolling through a PDF. The large display of the articles improves the reading experience, the font size can be individually adjusted using a slider and is particularly beneficial for older readers or people with visual impairments. The option for readers to switch between day and night mode is particularly easy on the eyes and ensures a pleasant display even in different lighting conditions. Readers can take a closer look at the images in the edition by tapping on them.
Would you like to optimize your readers' user experience and produce content more efficiently?Get in touch with us and ask us your questions. We are here to help and advise you on your digital transformation journey.
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